Steps to Enroll:
Step 1. Enroll in wellness+ with Plenti (Skip to Step 2 if you are already a wellness+ with Plenti member)

Visit and click ‘Sign In’ on the left

Click the box on the right to ‘Enroll in wellness+ with Plenti

Complete registration process for wellness+ with Plenti

Click through to finish signing up in Plenti

When finished with both processes, you will be directed to

Step 2: Enroll in the KidCents Round-Up Program


You should see your account logged in on the left. If not, sign in with the account information.

Click ‘Start rounding up today!’ dial on the left

Step 3: Designate Your Charity

Click ‘Select a Charity’ on the left

Type “CURE Childhood Cancer Association” and click ‘Select This Charity’