The Harrison Family
“It was like living in a vortex.”
That’s how Sara Harrison, military wife and mother to two young boys, describes the first few weeks after learning that her son Jack had a brain tumor. The family was living in Germany, just one of many locations that dad Eric Harrison, a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, had been stationed over the years.
Soon after being swept up in that vortex, struggling to make sense of the diagnosis and carefully considering their next steps, Sara and Eric knew that returning to their hometown of Rochester represented the family’s best option for fighting cancer. That’s when they connected with a Parent Advocate from C.U.R.E.
“It’s not a community you seek out, but they gave us hope,” Sara explains. “Not a week went by when someone didn’t tell me they were praying for my child.”
The Harrisons tackled Jack’s treatment the same way they had embarked on relocations to Germany, Hawaii, and Korea: as a family. They did their level best to maintain the routines and rhythms of everyday life, and to celebrate even the smallest of wins. And they are grateful to be back home to Rochester, as much for the emotional support as for the world-class medical care.
“C.U.R.E. and Golisano are like family,” Sara says. “The love and compassion they showed us has left an imprint on our hearts forever.”